Mixtape Massacre: Escape From Tall Oaks - United States Pre-Orders

Created by Mixtape Massacre

A stand-alone survival horror board game, that can also be an expansion/sequel to the cult hit Mixtape Massacre.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Art Files / Digital Proofing / Two Weeks Left to Complete BackerKit
almost 5 years ago – Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 09:45:53 PM

Hey Slashers,

Here with a quick update on the process of the game. As you know the art files were submitted and after a little back and forth with our manufacturer, the files have been officially sent off for Digital Proofing. We should be receiving those within the week, and once approved, a printed copy of the game and expansion will arrive not too long after... 

Things start moving at a much faster pace now that the manufacturer has the files...
Things start moving at a much faster pace now that the manufacturer has the files...

International Backers / Booster Packs

If you are an International Backer who reserved Booster packs, we have added those to your pledge and you should go and complete your orders: https://efto.backerkit.com/

Two Weeks Left to Finish Your BackerKit

All backers: Please note August 15th is the last day to complete your surveys and finalize your orders in BackerKit. Credit cards for anyone who hasn't paid for their items will be charged that day. After that we will lock all orders and the only thing you will be able to do after that is change your shipping address. Backers who do not pay for their items or shipping, your rewards will be held until this is completed and may incur additional charges if not shipped with all other orders.

BackerKit Link:https://efto.backerkit.com/

That's going to do it for this update. Hope everyone is having a fun summer and not melting. We'll have more updates coming once Digital Proofs and the PPC show up.

Later, Slashers!

-- Freddie, MJ, and Matt

almost 5 years ago – Thu, Jul 18, 2019 at 05:27:40 PM

Hey Slashers!

PLEDGE MANAGER LINK: https://efto.backerkit.com

This will be brief and quick.We are officially down to the last two weeks for the pledge manager before we lock your surveys. If you do not complete your surveys and add-ons by August 15th, shirt sizes will be selected for you (and we will purposely choose smalls for everyone holding us up just because ;)

PLEASE-PLEASE-PLEASE (now we sound like a Smiths song) be sure to complete your surveys, add-ons, and providing your shipping and billing information by August 15th.

NOTE: If your rewards or shipping have not been paid for, they will not be shipped with all other backers so be sure your credit card is up to date by August 15th. This also means if they are not shipped with all other backers you may incur additional fees for needing to be shipped separately from everyone else. Bottom Line: Let's not have this happen :)


You will receive an email next week if/when your Booster Packs are added to your order. (This applies only to people who requested this). You will then be able to settle your pledge manager.


With print files being delivered to our manufacturer, our next steps will be ordering all the additional add-ons like shirts, pins, signed prints, etc (which is why we need your surveys and add-ons completed).

Also, with print files sent off, that also means we'll begin to receive prototypes very soon to show off.

That's going to do it for this update. Enjoy the rest of the week, Slashers.

-- Freddie, MJ, and Matt

Special Shout Out / Print File Preparation
almost 5 years ago – Sat, Jul 13, 2019 at 01:28:12 AM

Happy Friday, Slashers!

Thought we'd do this update to give a special shout out to two of our backers. As you know, during our campaigns for the base game and our new game, we've offered backers the ability to be placed/drawn into the game, becoming a permanent part of Mixtape Massacre.

Luckily we have some awesome fans, and quickly the two spots available for this pledge during the Escape From Tall Oaks campaign were snatched up by our backers John F. and Dustin B.

Below are the two cards that will be a part of the Killer Scenes, Dude deck.

John F. and his wife who he bought the game for... all tied up and just hoping you don't leave them to die.
John F. and his wife who he bought the game for... all tied up and just hoping you don't leave them to die.
Dustin, his girlfriend, and their cat conjuring spirits...
Dustin, his girlfriend, and their cat conjuring spirits...

Again, we couldn't be happier to have some big fans in the game. Always a blast to get fans more and more involved with every release.

Print Files

In terms of progress, we're currently proofing all cards, rulebooks, etc and will be sending the files off to print next week. The next step will be receiving a PPC of both the game and expansion, and you can bet when we receive them we'll have a nice video and photos of everything to show you.

That's going to do it for this week. Have a great weekend, Slashers!

-- Freddie, Matt, and MJ

Important Reminder! - Surveys
almost 5 years ago – Fri, Jul 05, 2019 at 10:41:11 PM

Hey Slashers!

Quick reminder that we will be finalizing all art and the rulebook this Monday, July 7th, to send off to our manufacturer. If your reward includes your name in the rulebook and you have not provided it yet, please fill out that portion of your survey by this Monday.

Cant Find My Survey

If you still have not received your survey and it's not in your SPAM folder please use this link to recover it with the email you provided during the Kickstarter: https://efto.backerkit.com

Have questions? Please use our support form: GET SUPPORT

Have a great weekend, Slashers!

-- Freddie, Matt, and MJ

PayPal vs Credit Card
almost 5 years ago – Sun, Jun 30, 2019 at 11:12:25 PM

Hey Slashers!

A quick update to clarify the difference between paying for your BackerKit shipping and add-ons with PayPal or a Credit Card.


As many people who have PayPal know, these charges are made by PayPal, not BackerKit, so if you wish to pay for your Shipping and Add-Ons immediately you can use PayPal and you'll see the charges come up right away. You will not be charged anything additional on August 15th as you'll have already paid for your goods.

Credit Card

If you provide a credit card, your card will be put on file with BackerKit and will be charged on August 15th. Your card will not be charged until then. Please be aware if your card is charged on August 15th and fails, you'll be contacted and asked to provide another card to pay for your shipping and add-ons. Rewards will not be shipped until your BackerKit is complete and paid for

We've had a couple people ask about the difference between paying one of these two ways so we just wanted to clarify this for everyone who hasn't completed their BackerKit profile. If you still need to complete your BackerKit, visit this link and enter your backer email: https://efto.backerkit.com

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

-- Freddie, MJ, and Matt