Mixtape Massacre: Escape From Tall Oaks - United States Pre-Orders

Created by Mixtape Massacre

A stand-alone survival horror board game, that can also be an expansion/sequel to the cult hit Mixtape Massacre.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

BackerKit Set-Up / Invites / Important Dates
almost 5 years ago – Fri, Jun 14, 2019 at 01:25:14 AM

Hey Slashers,

This is a BIG update, so please read everything, as it should answer most of your questions in terms of this process.

First, thank you for your patience with the Backerkit set-up. A lot of back and forth with our shipping provider led to us holding off with finalizing set-up as we wanted to make sure all possibilities in terms of add-ons were covered as well as make sure we hit our estimates for shipping Escape From Tall Oaks and the Lockdown Expansion.

We have now officially completed set-up and Backerkit is doing a scan for us which they should complete in the next 24 - 48 hours. We will then begin sending out invites to all Backers and opening up pre-orders.


This will be your first step in BackerKit. It will allow you to provide us your name for the rulebook, your shipping address, shirt sizes, etc.


If you're looking to add more to your order, i.e. t-shirts, pins, the base game, The Black Masque expansion, or Lockdown Expansion, you'll be able to do that once your survey is complete. Please keep in mind as you add items to your orders, shipping costs will rise, due to weight and box sizes.

NOTE / US Backers: The base game and Black Masque will be back in-stock in July/August. If you wish to grab those items ahead of the release of EFTO and Lockdown, you can grab them from our store when they're back in stock. OTHERWISE, you can add them to your pledge, but these items will only ship when all other rewards ship. We will not be doing multiple shipments for pledge fulfillment. All orders ship as one order.

International Backers

If you requested for Booster Packs to be added to your order, we will be manually adding those to your order. If you change your mind and wish to have them removed, just message us through Kickstarter and we will take them off your order. Please also keep in mind, these Booster Packs require Mixtape Massacre, the base game.

Important Dates

Please keep these dates in mind in concerns to Backerkit:

  •  June 18th - BackerKit and Pre-Orders open / Invites sent out
  •  July 1st - Rulebook Name must be provided in your survey
  •  August 15th - BackerKit, Pre-Orders Close
  •  August 15th - Credit Cards will be charged for shipping and additional items
  •  Why August 15th? - we need to do an inventory of all rewards like t-shirts, pins, etc, and order them


July 1st - If you are providing a name for the rulebook, your survey must be completed by July 1st in concerns to the name you want in the rulebook. If we do not have your name by then, we will use the name you provided during Kickstarter.

Changing Addresses After BackerKit Closes

Do not worry!!! If your address changes after August 15th, you can contact us and we will change the address for you. You'll be able to change this address up until we begin shipping in November.

Next Steps

That's going to do it for us. We're on schedule to deliver all final files to our manufacturer the end of this month, and then the real fun begins. We'll have plenty more graphics to share with you over the next few weeks as we wrap that up so be sure to check out our social changes for some behind the scenes shots.

Look for an update / newsletter Tuesday as invites for Backerkit are sent. Have a great weekend, Slashers!

-- Freddie, MJ, and Matt

Another peek inside the LOCKDOWN Expansion...
almost 5 years ago – Sat, Jun 01, 2019 at 04:48:26 PM

Hey Slashers,

Thought we'd use this update to show off some of the items inside of the LOCKDOWN Expansion, as we had hinted last update to something that wasn't shown during the Kickstarter Campaign. But before that, a quick update concerning the PLEDGE MANAGER.


We were supposed to be finalizing the pledge manager last week, but unfortunately the numbers provided to us didn't match the specs we had provided. It was an honest mistake on our fulfillment partners side, BUT, as of last night we did receive the updated information. So we'll be spending this week finalizing the pledge manager and then we'll start sending out invites as well as open up the pre-order area for people who missed the campaign. So be on the look out for that within the next week / week and a half.


Last update we had hinted at something we hadn't revealed from the LOCKDOWN Expansion. So today, we're happy to present to you a new slasher to Tall Oaks... and that slasher just might be you.


It’s been rather quiet over the last few months in Tall Oaks. So much so that it felt like a bomb dropped when bodies started showing up again. Reports of a copcyat killer in a makeshift costume sent chills throughout the town. Worry of monsters and slashers had become an every day occurence in these parts. But the idea that a killer with a fascination for the crimes of Vincent Jones could be your neighbor or classmate... yikes.

Meet Anonymous
Meet Anonymous

This character will be useable in both MIXTAPE MASSACRE and MIXTAPE MASSACRE: ESCAPE FROM TALL OAKS.

In MIXTAPE MASSACRE, the character will be easily added to the game as another slasher with their own special ability (Copycat Crimes), but in MIXTAPE MASSACRE: ESCAPE FROM TALL OAKS, the character will be introduced if any player draws The Darkness Within SIDETRACK card. Once drawn, the player turns into ANONYMOUS and their entire game will change. No longer will you be trying to leave Tall Oaks, you'll be trying to kill your friends and sabotage their escape.

So, depending on what kind of player you are, the card below could be a lucky or unlucky draw... 

This SIDETRACK will change one Survivors entire game...
This SIDETRACK will change one Survivors entire game...

We know during the campaign people were hoping we'd hit the last stretch goal and be adding another slasher to the Escape From Tall Oaks box, so it was fun to keep this character a surprise for later updates and not reveal them during the campaign. Can't wait for you all to have the chance to don the mask. 

While we're showing off the ANONYMOUS Sidetrack / Character, why not also show off some previews of some other SIDETRACKS...

That's going to do it for this update.

As we're finalizing copy, rules, and artwork for the game and the expansion these next couple of weeks before we send it off to press, be sure to check out our social media feeds as we start to do more reveals.

You can find us on the following social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Spotify

Have a great weekend and talk soon, slashers!

-- Freddie, MJ, and Matt

Plastics, Artwork, and Pledge Manager
almost 5 years ago – Fri, May 10, 2019 at 06:35:26 PM

Hey Slashers,


Now, a fun and informative update begins below...


We have one more meeting with our fulfillment partner next week to finalize our shipping arrangements and pricing. Once that meeting has taken place, we can finish the set-up on the pledge manager (BACKERKIT) and then invites will be sent to all backers.

Once in the pledge manager, you'll be able to answer your survey to provide your name for the rulebook, address for shipping, as well as add and adjust your pledge.

Now for some production and artwork updates...


We've sent off our component sheet and templates for our dice, stands, and pegs which they'll use to create the molds for the game. Below you'll see examples of these templates for the custom Action Dice and Search Dice.

Dice Templates. The Blue dice will actually be translucent, but these are the PMS colors they'll be using.
Dice Templates. The Blue dice will actually be translucent, but these are the PMS colors they'll be using.

Hopefully by the time we send out the next update we'll have the physical samples to show off.


We've also been busy finalizing all artwork for the game. Below are some mocks and previews of Supplies, Killer Scenes, and some of the new Supplies for the Slashers:

There's always that one @$$hole at game night...
There's always that one @$$hole at game night...
Load up and get going...
Load up and get going...
Now the bad guys get to have a good time...
Now the bad guys get to have a good time...
Some of the Killer Scenes from Escape From Tall Oaks. We've even, uh, "revisted" some scenes from the original game and, uh, "updated" them, hehehe
Some of the Killer Scenes from Escape From Tall Oaks. We've even, uh, "revisted" some scenes from the original game and, uh, "updated" them, hehehe


We've also been working on something special that we'll be announcing soon that will be included in the LOCKDOWN EXPANSION...

Who's under that rag...?
Who's under that rag...?

That's going to do it for us for today. Everyone have a great weekend and we'll have another update coming very soon. Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for more fun, updates, and previews.

-- Freddie, Matt, and MJ

IMPORTANT: Post-Kickstarter Process
about 5 years ago – Fri, Apr 12, 2019 at 03:55:22 PM

Happy Friday Slashers,

Wanted to check in with an important post-Kickstarter update. We must stress, now is more important than ever for you to pay attention to these updates as the updates we send out will 80% of the time be IMPORTANT.

First an important note for INTERNATIONAL BACKERS.

International Backers - Booster Packs

If you're an international backer interested in acquiring our Booster Packs for the original game (Bad Dad, Scarlett), please use the following form to reserve yourself copies of both or either pack. We are at LOW STOCK with both products and we do not believe we'll have restocks of them in time for reward fulfillment. You do not need to place any money down, just provide your information and which packs you want and we'll set them aside and you can pay for them in the pledge manager.

We are taking these reservations now until April 24th.

US Backers - Booster Packers

If you're looking to grab copies of the Booster Packs, we'd recommend grabbing copies now as they will be gone before the end of the month.

The Post-Kickstarter Process

And so it begins...
And so it begins...

We are beginning the process of prepping all our art files for manufacturing. This involves us finalizing artwork, proofreading cards and rules, a few more demo nights to finalize some rules, and prepping all plastic components for the game. FUN-FUN-FUN :)

The Pledge Manager

We also are in the process of finalizing shipping quotes. This is a process and takes us a bit, so please give us a few more weeks to finish this. Once this step is done, we'll be able to send out surveys to Backers where you'll be able to add items to your orders, provide your name for the Rulebook (if that's part of your pledge), provide shirt sizes, and finalize shipping costs and your shipping info.

The Pledge Manager will also allow backers who cards failed at the end of the project to pay for their rewards and still receive their Kickstarter rewards.

That's going to do it for this update. Have a great weekend and talk soon, Slashers!

-- Freddie, Matt, & MJ

We Killed It!
about 5 years ago – Fri, Apr 05, 2019 at 02:18:43 PM


As we roll the end credits on this campaign, we just wanted to say thank you, from the bottom of our bloody little hearts, for joining in on this campaign and helping bring Escape From Tall Oaks to life! We are so pumped to get started on finalizing the design process and prepare for the next steps of making this game a reality.

We really couldn’t have done it without your help and this is only the beginning.


Please be sure to keep checking these updates as we release them as they'll contain important information pertaining to next steps with the process, pledge manager, and more.

Also, stay tuned for updates as we release more artwork and give you sneak peeks throughout the whole process. And as always, feel free to reach out to us with questions and comments.

But for now, let's all celebrate, because Tall Oaks just got a whole lot bigger!

-- Freddie, MJ, & Matt